Friday, October 14, 2011


So here's the deal: since week 29 I have had painful cramping in my lower abdomen several times a day. I have also had contractions on a daily basis.
Starting at week 36 I have had even more intense (can't walk, can't talk), steady contractions. I can't follow the 5-1-1 or 4-1-1 rule because I've had them five minutes apart, lasting one minute, for upwards of six hours and still no baby. The baby has also been applying a lot of pressure on my pelvis with her head. For the last three weeks I've been dilated between 1/2 and 1 and between 80-90% effaced. With our insurance, we see who ever is on duty, we don't necessarily have a set doctor we see every time. Every doctor or nurse I've seen for the last three weeks makes the same comment, "Wow baby is really low and is really pushing. She's ready to come out, all we need now is for your contractions to start..." Are you kidding me? Contractions are not the problem.
Anyway, at yesterday's check-up everything was normal until they measured my belly. After a couple times measuring, the doctor said she would have to order an ultra sound because I was measuring small. Even though the most likely reason is that the baby is simply in a different position, it's procedure to do the ultra sound anyway just to be safe.
It was a good thing because we actually got to see our baby for the first time (see the post below). The nurse technician asked if I had always measured small and I told her that I was not aware of it if I had. She checked all the vital stuff - fluid, cord, placenta (I don't know why but I hate that word. It makes me shutter) - and it all looked fine so she informed us that Ryan and I simply "make" small babies. Our baby is about 6 lbs. Doesn't sound too bad (after all, Ryan was a 6 lb. baby as were two of his siblings), but you have to remember I live in Hawaii, many of the Polynesian, and haole, women have large babies. And for a Cunningham baby, that's pretty small.
Anyway, so that's our update for now. Hopefully our next update will be a birth announcement.

1 comment:

Cali and Travis said...

I'm sure you're perfectly normal for you. I swear doctors tend to err on the side of caution these days. Either way I have no doubt she's coming very soon! Can't wait!