Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I realized that Ryan and I have posted few pictures that would actually prove that we are in fact in Hawaii. Well here is the proof.
Maybe it will stir that vomit inducing jealousy those in colder climates should be feeling right about now.

Can you believe I still have that shirt?

Ryan removing his flippers after an uneventful spear fishing trip.
Faint tan lines. I couldn't figure out why I just wasn't getting tan very fast. I've been so frustrated because after all, in Mexico or Puerto Rico I'd be pretty dark by now. I was putting on my favorite coconut lotion one day and started reading the back of the lotion bottle when one sentence caught my eye and crushed my world. "Provides natural protection from the sun...."
My curse. I don't know who to blame for this one. Cunningham, Yoder, Eppert, Lofstrom, whoever it is we need to have words. I've always had big hips and thighs. Always. When Ryan left for Missouri my habits changed big time. For three months I had no time to eat, no time to grocery shop, and no desire or time to cook. I lost a lot of weight. In fact, when Ryan came back I weighed less than I did as a senior in high school (yes I know that was only 5 years ago but still). But I still had huge hips. So here I am now, Ryan has been home just over a month and I've started eating again so naturally I have a little more weight on me now than I did a month and a half ago. Still, I weigh 120, have protruding ribs even on my back and my sternum, an obnoxious spine that Ryan and even others have commented on, and at my costume fitting I was told that I had the smallest waist in the cast (other than the children of course). But I still have a big butt, thunder thighs, and huge hips. Told ya, it's a curse!


Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

I would blame Grandma Yoder's Family (The Stahley clan) and maybe the Lofstroms. But never fear... they are good birthing hips. :-)

Jacob and Cami said...

Your hips don't lie! You look GREAT!

Cali and Travis said...

SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! Your thighs and hips are not big. To see "thunder thighs" and hips as you put it, check out my posts from the beach in May of last year. 120 lbs! You make me ill! I just lost 23 lbs and I'm not even close to that. I ran 9 grueling miles last night and I'm not anywhere near that! Life is so unfair! If anyone in this family got good birthing hips, it was me. Only because I'll never have to use them! Sheesh!

Unknown said...

I'm glad I was not within arm's length of Cali when that was posted. Still, I think I feel a virtual bruise forming on both my eyes.

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

We don't say Shut-up. We say Be quiet. It is less threatening. Or you could use Cody's favorite.

:-) ..... SILENCE....I KILL YOU!!!!

Sorry about the hips girls, You can blame me, but I have yet to hear your husbands complain. They seem to like them. :-) Love you.

And Skye, Try a couple of cold packs on those eyes!.